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The Mayor's Office / 鴨川市長

ページID:0000587 更新日:2022年4月20日更新 印刷ページ表示

名前:長谷川 孝夫

市民の みなさまへ

鴨川市長 長谷川孝夫鴨川市長の 選挙で、市長に なりました。
一番 大切なのは、みなさんと おたがいに 信じて、頼ることが できる関係を つくることです。

私が すること

いっしょに 鴨川市を よく しましょう!

  • みんなが 安心して 元気に 生活が できるように します。
  • みんなの 考えていることを 聞きます。
  • 鴨川市の 未来を わかるように します。
  • これから みんなのために がんばる人たちを 育てます。

鴨川市を よく するために いい 考えが ある人は、次の ことを 書いてください。

  • あなたの 名前
  • 男か 女
  • 仕事、学校など
  • 住所〈住んでいるところ〉
  • 電話番号
  • 市長へ お願いすること

お願いの 送り方


shicho@city.kamogawa.lg.jpに メールして ください。


次の ところに ありますから、書いてください。

  1. 鴨川市役所1階
  2. 天津小湊支所
  3. 出張所(吉尾、江見、小湊)
  4. ふれあいセンター 市民サービスコーナー
  5. 公民館
  6. 郵便局

電話 04-7093-7827

Mayor Takao HASEGAWA

Mayor Hasegawa Takao

I have been fortunate to directly meet many citizens, hearing a variety of opinions throughout my re-election. There were many issues and concerns that I would like to address during my time as mayor.

Without ignoring our current situation and the past, I would like to reevaluate how we will approach the future of the city. Especially addressing the difficulty in rebuilding hope after the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us. 

I genuinely believe that every citizen will be able to experience the prosperity, both moral and material,  that we are working towards. 

It goes without saying that Kamogawa is unparalleled as a city that brings so many wonderful things to the table; from being a tourism destination, to our bountiful nature, fulfilling sports culture, state of the art medical facilities, strong focus on education and child-rearing, and of course or deep and rich history and culture. I firmly believe that we can use all of these points to benefit us in our aim to be a self-reliant city. 

A saying from Confucius states, “Without the trust of the people, there is no government”. Meaning that, without the faith of its citizens the nation as a whole cannot succeed. Using this as a motto, I hope to build the trust of Kamogawa’s citizens through my actions to believe that we can become the best that we can be.

In order to achieve this, I will work tirelessly alongside Kamogawa’s citizens and make the citizens the focus of my work.

 This means:

  • CompleTely protecting your livelihoods
  • Seriously listening to everyone’s thoughts
  • Clearly layout out a plan for Kamogawa’s future
  • Steadily nurturing the next generation

Always keeping these 4 main points in mind and while keeping open conversation with others, I promise to maintain your livelihoods, health, and prosperity from now on. 

I hope to bring back Kamogawa’s hometown feel and strengthen each of Kamogawa’s industries with the goal of becoming a “robust city bursting with activity”. I want to work towards creating an environment for everyone to be able to feel they can realize their dreams.

It is my honor to be given the opportunity to once again serve the people of Kamogawa. 

To create a better Kamogawa for tomorrow, please send any comments and suggestions regarding the city government directly to the mayor.

Via e-mail

Please send any e-mails for the mayor to shicho@city.kamogawa.lg.jp.

  • In the e-mail, be sure to include:
  • your name
  • gender
  • job
  • age
  • home address
  • phone number
  • (along with) your comments/suggestions

※If one of the above is not included in your e-mail, it may not be answered.

For those who wish to receive a reply, please indicate so in your inquiry. To ensure that the reply is accurate and complete, please allow the city office a few days to respond.


  • Keep in mind that with the nature of e-mail, it may be read by a third party.
  • E-mails thought to be carrying viruses will not be opened.
  • E-mails unrelated to the city government, containing offensive slander to individuals or groups, or containing sales purposes will be rejected.

Via post

It is also possible to send letters to the mayor. In the body of the letter, be sure to include the same items as listed above. Seal the letter in an envelope and drop it off at one of the following locations:

  • Kamogawa City Hall -  1F
  • Amatsu-Kominato City Hall Branch Office
  • Any branch offices (Yoshio, Emi, Kominato)
  • Fureai Center - Citizen Service Corner
  • Community centers (Chuo, Tojo, Saijo, Tabara, Suki, Oyama, Futomi, Soro, Amatsu-Kominato)
  • Post office (Kamogawa, Kamogawa-Maebara, Tojo, Kamogawa-Tabara, Nagasa, Kozuka, Futomi, Soro)

For any suggestions/comments:

General Affairs Division
