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Light Vehicle Tax (Keijidoshazei) / 軽自動車税

ページID:0000654 更新日:2024年2月28日更新 印刷ページ表示

毎年 4月1日に 軽自動車などを 持っている人が 払います。

長い間 使っていなくても 廃車の 申告を しないと 税金が かかります。

申告の 期限〈いつまでに 申告するか〉

  • 買ったり、もらったり したとき/ 引っ越しを したとき→15日以内
  • 廃車したり、あげたり したとき→30日以内

車の 種類




125ccよりも 少ない

税務課、天津小湊支所、出張所 (吉尾、江見、小湊)



2輪の 軽自動車

125ccよりも 多く、250ccよりも 少ない

(袖ヶ浦市長浦 字弐号580-77)
 電話 050-5540-2025

250ccよりも 多い

4輪の 軽自動車

660ccよりも 少ない

軽自動車検査協会  千葉事務所袖ケ浦支所
(袖ケ浦市 長浦 字弐号580-101)
 電話 050-3816-3116

軽自動車税の 払い方

軽自動車税(種別割) 納税通知書兼領収証書


5月に 市役所から 赤い字で 払うお金と 期限〈いつまでに 払うか〉が 書いてある書類が あなたに 郵便で 届きます。

  • 税額〈いくら 払うか〉
  • 納期限〈いつまでに 払うか〉が 書いてあります。


※払ったあと、領収書に なります。絶対に 捨てないでください。

払うとき、届いた書類を 持っていきます。

Places you can pay taxes / 税金を 払うところ

納期限を 見てください

納期限を 過ぎてから 払うと、もっと お金を 払わなければ なりません。納期限までに 絶対に 払ってください。
払えないとき、納期限が 来る前に 税務課に 相談してください。


電話 04-7093-7832

軽自動車検査協会  千葉事務所袖ケ浦支所
(袖ケ浦市 長浦 字弐号580-101)
 電話 050-3816-3116

  People who own cars have to pay taxes by April 1st of every year.

Even if it is a junk and have not used it for a long time, if not reported, it will be subject to Light Vehicle tax.

Deadline for filing

  • Within 15 days since you bought, received the car or when you move to a different location.
  • Within 30 days since it became a junk or the day it was given away
Car categories

Type of car

Engine type (in cc)

Here to file/register

Motorized bicycle

Under 125cc

Tax Division, Amatsu-Kominato City Hall Branch office, Branch Offices (Yoshio, Emi, Kominato)

Special small-sized motor vehicle

N /A

2 wheeled light vehicles (keijidousha)

Over 125cc - Under 250cc

Chiba Transportation Branch Office,
Sodegaura Automobile Inspection Registration Office 
(Chiba Sodegaura Nagaura Azataku 2-580-77)
Tel: 050-5540-2025 

Over 250cc

4 wheeled light vehicles (keijidousha)

Under 660c

Light Motor Vehicle Inspection Organization
Chiba Office Sodegaura Branch
(Chiba Sodegaura Nagaura Azataku 2-580-101)
Tel: 050-3816-3116



About the [Notice to Pay Light Vehicle Tax] Payment Receipt

A payment slip written in red lettering will be sent to your house.

car tax

It will contain the following information:

  • How much you owe (based on your vehicle type)
  • When you must pay by

Car tax

This will become a receipt of your payment so DO NOT throw this slip away.


You will receive this slip in May.

How to Pay:

When you receive this payment slip and are ready to make a payment, take it to ones of the following places specified in the link below. 

Where to Make Payments

Important: Check the payment dates!

You will have to pay overdue fees for late payments of your taxes, so please always pay them on time.

If you are unable to make the payments by the date on your slip, please consult the Tax Division at city hall about your situation. 

Registering your light vehicle:

※You will need to register your vehicle with the city to get a license plate number. The process to register or unregister is written below:  

When to apply Where to apply What you need

If you are registering a motorized scooter
or other light vehicle...

Tax Division (City Hall 1F

City Hall Branch Office

Branch Offices
(Yoshio, Emi, Kominato)

  • Personal seal (inkan)
  • Proof of purchase

※There is no fee.

If you are cancelling your light vehicle's registration
  • Personal seal (inkan)
  • License plate (You will have to pay 200 yen for a lost plate)
  • Signed Certificate of Insurance



Tax Division