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Housing Security Benefits /住居確保給付金(COVID‐19)

ページID:0000703 更新日:2021年6月2日更新 印刷ページ表示


  • 仕事を 休んで お金が 少なくなった人
  • 仕事を やめた人と 同じくらい 困って 家が なくなるかもしれない人

家に 住むための お金が もらえます。
もらえるお金は 決まっています。
家を 借りるために 毎月 払うお金と 同じくらいの お金です。

お金を もらう人は お金を もらっている間、 がんばって 仕事を 探します。


  1. 在留カード
  2. 会社の 都合で 仕事が なくなって、お金が 少なくなったことが わかる書類
  3. 申し込む人と 家族の お金が わかる書類
  4. 申し込む人と 家族の 通帳の コピー
  5. 申し込むときに 住むところが ある人は、家賃〈家に 住むための お金〉が わかる書類(住んでいる家の 契約書など)
  6. はんこ


電話 04-7093-1200
※≪新型コロナウイルス≫に かからないために 電話してください。

What are Housing Security Benefits?

Housing Security Benefits are a way to financially support people who have lost their home or are at risk of losing their home due to a variety of economic reasons. (Such as losing a job, or for people who are not able to find work for reasons beyond their control) This support program is aimed to help those who are willing and able to work to be able to secure housing for themselves. 

*This program offers support for at least 3 months, and has a limit of 9 months.

Requirements to Get Payment

If any of the following statements is true for you, you may apply for these benefits.

  • If you have lost your house or are at risk of losing your house because you lost your job or have had other financial issues. 
  • If within 2 years of the date you apply, you lost your job or had to stop your business and are able to show a document of proof.
  • Prior to losing your job (etc.), you were the main source of income for your household. And as of the month you apply, you are still the main source of income. 
  • As of the day you apply, the applicant and any member of the applicant’s household’s income is less than the amounts shown on the chart below.
  • As of the day you apply, the applicant and any member of the applicant’s household’s combined assets are less than the amounts shown on the chart below.
  • There were honest attempts to find work
  • You have not already applied for employment benefits from the country (Job Training Entitlement for Unskilled Workers) or other programs from government organizations offering financial help with housing security to low income households.
  • The applicant or any member of the applicant’s household is in no way connected to gangster organizations.

Minimum Income and Financial Asset Requirements   

Members in Hold Minimum Income Minimum Financial Assets
1 person  Under 115,200 yen   Under 468,000 yen
2 people   Under 160,000 yen   Under 690,000 yen
3 people Under 188,400 yen Under 834,000 yen
4 people   Under 223,400 yen Under 1,000,000 yen
5 people   Under 257,400 yen   Under 1,000,000 yen

[How much you may receive]

Below are the amounts that will be given to cover an applying household’s rent.

  • 1 person household:   37,200 yen a month and under
  • 2 person household:   45,000 yen a month and under
  • 3 - 5 person household:  48,000 yen a month and under

[Things Needed when Applying]

  • Something to confirm the applicant’s identity.(A driver’s license, foreign residence card, passport)
  • Something to confirm the loss of work or end of business
    Documents that confirm as of the application date, why the opportunity to earn income or the decrease of business is not the applicant’s fault
  • Document(s) to confirm the applicant and any member of the applicant’s household’s income
  • Copies of the applicant’s and any member of the applicant’s household’s banking passbook
  • Whether or not applicant either has or does not have a place of residence, documents that confirm the amount of housing payments. (Such as a housing lease)
  • A personal seal


For questions and consultation we ask that people first please call the number below. This is in an effort to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Kamogawa General Welfare Consultation Center   04-7093-1200

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