緑色の 封筒が 届いたら、絶対に 捨てたり、なくしたり しないでください。
生まれてから 6か月以上の 人は、2023年9月20日から 2024年3月31日までに 注射を することが できます。
Reservation of COVID-19 Vaccination / 新型コロナワクチン(注射)の 予約(COVID-19)
健康推進課 新型コロナ対策室
電話 04-7093-7151
When a green envelope is received, make sure not to lose and dispose of the envelope and the documents inside.
After receiving a green envelope, please check the documents inside.
※If you didn`t receive or you lost the envelope or document, please contact the office for COVID-19 Countermeasures. (Tel: 04-7093-7151)
Make a reservation for your vaccine.
The process for making a reservation will be different for each hospital.
Fill out your Medical History Form.
After making a reservation, read the instructions then fill out the form.
For those who are unable to read and write in Japanese, please come to the International Resident Consultation window for assistance. (Tel:04-7093-5931)
Vaccination Appointment Day
Please be at the hospital 10 minutes before your appointment with your mask.
Health Promotion Division
Office for COVID-19 Countermeasures
Tel: 04-7093-7151