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International Sister City Relationship

ページID:0015760 更新日:2024年2月15日更新 印刷ページ表示

Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA

Getting to know Manitowoc

Manitowoc  boat

Manitowoc is a small quiet town of 34,000 people that sits on the shore of Lake Michigan. It is a beautiful resort place with snowy winters and mild summers and attracts visitors from all over year round. Soon after Chiba prefecture became sister states with Wisconsin, Manitowoc and Kamogawa also established a sister-city relationship in 1993. Not only is Manitowoc one of the safest places to live in America, Wisconsin also ranks on top for education.

In terms of transportation to and from Manitowoc, the town is located in an ideal location along the lake, making both land and water transportations possible. One can reach Michigan state in a matter of 4 hours via a ferry service. Of course big cities such as Madison or Milwaukee is only a few hours away, connected by major highways.

When in Manitowoc, one cannot run out of things to see or do. At “Manitowoc Marina” one can water-ski, fish, cruise on a yacht, or enjoy other water sports. Around town, there is Marinetime Museum, Rahr-West Art Museum, Capitol Theatre, parks, golf courses, pools, zoo, and more.

Website: Manitowoc's Homepage<外部リンク>

History of Exchange

Timelines of exchange programs hosted through the Kamogawa International Relations Association.

Information on 2006 Wings of Friendship Exchange

Please open the following pdf to read more about the 2006 sister city delegation trip to Manitowoc, Wisconsin!

Off to Sister City, Manitowoc! [PDFファイル/404KB]

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