Great East Japan Earthquake / 東日本大震災
2011年3月11日、とても 大きい地震が 起きました。
岩手県、宮城県、福島県に 大きい 津波が 来ました。千葉県にも 来ました。
津波で 建物や たくさんの 人が 流されました。
今から できることを してください。
地震は、いつ 起きるか わかりません。
あなたや あなたの 大切な 人を 守るためです。
On March 11th, 2011 massive earthquake struck Japan affecting Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima prefecture most severely.
There was large tsunami that caused long lasting damage to those areas. The tsunami was so large it even hit parts of the coast of Chiba prefecture. Many people were swept away and buildings were destroyed as a result of the tsunami.
Please take the time today to honor those who lost their lives.
We never know when there will be another massive earthquake. But we can prepare for the worst as best as we can today.
Please stay prepared for both your own safety and the safety of your loved ones.